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Chand returns to Fiza,Happy ending?

Sunday, June 14, 2009 ·

Happy ending? Chand returns to Fiza

Tags : chandigarh, chandcase, fiza return
Nitin Jain


At 7 on Sunday morning, Anuradha Bali alias Fiza was still asleep in her HIG flat number 216, Sector 48-C in Mohali when a knock was heard at the door. Her mother, Savita, answered and found Chander Mohan alias Chand Mohammad standing in a white t-shirt and light grey lower with folded hands.

The 43-year-old greeted his ‘former’ mother-in-law and pleaded to be allowed to meet his 37-year-old estranged wife. After much persuasion, he could meet Fiza around 11 am and life came a full circle.

After 136 days of separation, they reunited.

To Fiza’s litany of complaints over Chand leaving her, flying abroad, divorcing over phone and calling her a “closed chapter”, Chand responded with silence.

He reportedly sought forgiveness from the former Assistant Advocate General of Haryana. Now, he added, he wanted to live with her again as her husband.



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