iPhone 3G S jailbreaked?
Indiatimes Infotech
NEW DELHI: Just two days for Apple's next-gen iPhone to hit shelves and iPhone Dev team, the group responsible for jailbreaking iPhone and iPhone 3G, has claimed it can jail break Apple's new device iPhone 3G S.
iPhone Dev Team has stated they have a fully-working software carrier unlock ready for the 3.0 firmware ahead of its official release on Wednesday.
The team has put up a live demo of carrier unlock working on the official iPhone 3.0 firmware with UltraSn0w. The team has posted on its blog that it has successfully unlocked an iPhone running 3.0 software. This, according to them, will unlock every version of the iPhone running from 3.0 and lower.
More significantly, this also means that the device will be able to run on any network without a hitch. In US, Apple sells its iconic device exclusively with AT&T. In India, Apple has partnered with Airtel and Vodafone to sell its second generation iPhone 3G.
The team, however, hasn't revealed the details of its unlocking for fear of Apple fixing it at the last hour. They said the new hacking software should be out by Friday (the day iPhone 3G S goes on sale) for unlocking the iPhone 3G S.
Source :http://infotech.indiatimes.com
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